Grant Travis Ng
Oct 26, 2020


The demo went well!

Dr. Kosinski has grown more of an interest with my application and wants to have me come into the room and 3D scan it volumetrically. I will most likely use the app “Capture” which is free to use.

I created two videos for Dr. Kosinski to view.

Here are the two videos:



I was messing with the aesthetic and building effects for the room. I am messing with the pastel colors to create a more calming feeling during the experience.

After my meeting and demo with Ron was over, we basically decided that the aesthetic should be switched to a more realistic setting. Ron mentioned that he is interested using the live application to demonstrate a live demo of what the check-in procedure would look like. So next week I plan to create a more realistic room for our demo.

I also started the thesis paper so for a rough draft:

I am planning on meeting with my contacts in mental health field and will be meeting with Amy Hurst and Regine Gilbert next week as well for a check in.



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